GROUP THERAPY, Collections in Dialogue
Curated by Magdalena Juříková, Nathalie Hoyos & Rainald Schumacher
Organized by Prague City Gallery, Stone Bell House & Art Collection Telekom Germany, Prague. April - August2024.
Deutsche Telekom works with the entire Eastern European area, while Czech artists are only a minority in its collection. The aim of the project will be to place Czech representatives of the young and slightly older generations alongside their contemporaries from the rest of the countries of the former “East”, and to look for ways in which they are on the same wavelength and in which they may even be absolutely different. We will be looking at their work through such headings as Equality and Democracy, Collective Authorship, History and its Current Perception, What New Technologies Bring and What They Negate, and others.
Featured Artists from Art Collection Telekom and Prague City Gallery: Vasil Artomonov & Aleksey Klyuykov, Sasha Auerbakh, Albena Baeva, Eleni Bagaki, Daniel Balabán, Levan Chelidze, Lana Čmajčanin, Danica Dakić, Anna Daučíková, Aleksandra Domanović, Petra Feriancová, Kyriaki Goni, Igor Grubić, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Nilbar Güreş, Ksenya Hnylytska, Vladimír Houdek, Anna Hulačová, Hristina Ivanoska, Sanja Iveković, Nikita Kadan, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Alevtina Kakhidze, Šejla Kamerić, Lito Kattou, Lesia Khomenko, Zdena Kolečková, Eva Koťátková, Marie Kratochvílová, Andreja Kulunčić, Nino Kvrisvishvili, KW (Igor Korpaczewski), Little Warsaw, Václav Magid, Radenko Milak, Brilant Milazimi, Ciprian Mureşan, Roman Ondak, Dan Perjovschi, Alma Lily Rayner, Slavs and Tatars, Marie Tučková, Martina Vacheva.
Lovers (2006-2011)