Paroles Paroles
Organized by Centre culturel Jacques Franck, Brussels. March-May 2023.
The exhibition paroles paroles brings together three artists who explore language in a feminist approach. Delphine Deguislage, Elyse Galiano and Nilbar Güreş are aware of the significance of words, of the mechanisms by which language can create hierarchies and generate discriminations. Through their use of language and text, they seek to both deconstruct injunctions against women and create possibilities for emancipation. To do so, Delphine Deguislage, Elyse Galiano and Nilbar Güreş hijack and reappropriate language, deconstruct quotes and choose their words with precision. They also name the forgotten, from invisibilized women to disconsidered female authors.
While each has a specific approach to language - written or spoken - Delphine Deguislage, Elyse Galiano and Nilbar Güreş have in common that they draw on their personal memories and experiences. This is also evident in the materials and textile objects they use, in the gestures they reproduce: all are familiar and domestic. Private and public sphere coincide to generate a new space of dialogue, inviting us to rethink the representation of women.
With the exhibition paroles paroles, Delphine Deguislage, Elyse Galiano and Nilbar Güreş demonstrate that words are anything but hollow.

Undressing (2006)