‘The Sea Said Okay’
Organized by Galerist. November 2020.
Nilbar Güreş wanders around the edges of traditional representation and combines different movements and media to arrive at a queer imagery. ‘The Sea Said Okay’ conceives a queer image while exploring ways to represent the experience of a world of these images. Güreş takes pleasure in painting impulsively and irredeemably, blending together elements that could not be brought together in any other setting. It could be said that Güreş's art is her means of creating a world where desires can run freely, and that she is seeking a companion to join her to this end. Her works that disregard order effortlessly slip away from the borders of representation and break the safe distance they have with their viewers. The works draw us towards themselves, meddling with a world that desperately uses all its power to remain within a comfortable zone. ‘The Sea Said Okay’ enchants the world with deviance
'The Sea Said Okay' is not merely an exhibition that challenges the boundaries of representation. Within the compositions that blur borders, all elements that the world is composed of begin to blend together in a fortuitous festivity as soon as the conditions are satisfied. Established hierarchies between sexes and speciesism are replaced by an intertwined and flowing trans-existence that soars beyond borders. Concerns like tracing movements, pursuing relationships and trying to understand who is who and what is happening are all erased. Güreş’s world of constant movement doesn’t expect us to understand or explain it. It shamelessly invites us to join in.
Credit: Murat Alat
Click for Artworks of Exhibition

The Sea Said Okay (2020)

Assland; Welcome to Assland (2020)